The Easter long weekend is a tremendous bookmark in any foody lifestyle with the gathering together of friends and or family when there is invariably lots of food and discussions. I could go without a chocolate egg for the entire year and be happy that I did not miss out on anything special or innovative, but every year I relish the hot cross buns - toasted to a golden brown and smothered with butter or even butter and honey. Whilst in Melbourne over the long weekend there were many cups of tea sipped, and some spectacular X buns sampled. One that sticks clearly in my mind was one of the 1/2 doz from Dench's Bakery in North Fitzroy. Oh my!! They were terrific, worth blogging about if you catch my drift!! You could clearly see the hand chopped zest of lemon in the mix with big fruit and heady spice like a Belgian ale with a bouncy, airy doughyness only found romping in the adjacent hill side. On return to Dench's for Monday lunch and perhaps another one of a 1/2 doz X buns I was informed no more X buns - Sadness, Confusion, Questioning..... Is Easter that serious that we can't have an X bun after Easter Sunday. I 'd like to think there is a logical explanation like the entire country runs out of the spice mix or that the X bun baker has taken today off. Please do not tell me it is for a religious reason, I won't buy it. There is one more thing, surely there could be something gained for Christianity for X Buns to be sold all year round? Perhaps they haven't realised the affinity the general public has to this religious symbolic bun, they are surely missing out on new followers or at least some profit? Any way its good to have a good X bun.
Some Water, Some Wine...
So, I'm out for lunch with two friends. Table for three. A smart, upmarket
Italian Restaurant in the CBD. I'm fond of this restaurant for many
reasons, mai...
15 years ago
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