Monday, June 30, 2008

BBQ Epiphany!!

I covet flash BBQ's, a brushed stainless steel outdoor kitchen complex. Flames are lit within and the juices start to flow. These shiny temptations are often replete with wok burner, rotisserie, racks, grills and even a sink! Have mercy! The truth is different however, picture this: You're onto your sixth can of evil 'Draught' and have one eye on the idiot box for that evasive scorecard... And wouldn't you know, your $2000 of steel and gadgetry still results in char coaled snags. (It was destined to fail with 'BBQ snags') We have sinned and we have thought impure thoughts of alluring BBQ's exposing stainless steel...

Here is my guide to your path to BBQ enlightenment...

If you love your 'Stainless Steel 6 Burner inc. Wok Burner + Sink and Rotisserie' then set it free! Let go of your attachments and hang ups!!

Try and BBQ without it for one weekend and you will realise that you are capable of magic without the bells and whistles.

BBQ is not about burning stuff and beer swilling! - that's later. It is about strength, timing and focus.

Reaching your 'higher plane' takes planning and will power. Temptation is every where! So never put your marinated chicken drumsticks on the searing hotplate with your pepper steaks - it will end in disappointment. Beg and pray for forgiveness! Hellish poultry stores use bulk marinades from festering buckets in cool rooms. They are loaded with sugar and soy sauce straight from the devil's cauldron, as soon as that sugar hits the hot plate it burns and you are left with black flakes of burnt sauce everywhere. Our 'drumstick' in the oven hallowed by thy name!

Conquer your fear and embark on the last crusade... The Lamb Spit. It takes effort, concentration, faith and around $180. If you can over come the visual shock of that poor bleeting lamb on a 'hurdy gurdy' ride to flavour town you will truly become your brother's keeper!!
Hire a spit at your next funk-tion, invite your best Greek mate around for their 'Orthodox' support that you'll need. Added benefits include: they won't nik your beer, their cooking of a lamb spit is flawless (watch and learn), their in built timer will ring loud with a "Fully sick!"
Revelation - Enjoy!

This is the word of the 'blog'. AMEN!


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