The Brown Dog Cafe on Goodwood Rd. fast became an institution for many local and not so local residents, the main reason for this is the hard work and talent of Michelle and Callum Campbell picture above with their 18 month year old son Jackman. 'The Dog' as it is affectionately known to many was taken over by the entrepreneurial couple after they had rescued a Novar Gardens snack stop and turned it around in a few hectic months. Before 'The Dog' the Goodwood Rd. site was the dreary Cafe Deco which had once been a quirky hangout, but had lost any steam and just fizzled out. Michelle's simple but enticing menu's brought the masses through the door and with a personality like Callum out front it is no wonder 'The Dog' was a success. Michelle found the right chef's to continue her work after some early staffing issues, and the consistent quality food and beverage was really moving. As they did with Novar Espresso at Novar Gardens they are selling 'The Dog' at the height of its potential and popularity, which is an extremely hard decision to make. But with their integrity at full charge and strike rate of business success at %100 it is surely the right decision. The potential new owner Jason Brooks (ex Strathmore / Citrus) is planning on taking over the reigns, with as little fuss as possible. I am always cautious when a new owner buys a business with an obvious stamp of someone else upon it, and he had better be mighty talented or extremely hardworking to fill the shoes of Michelle and Callum. However do not despair if you are all ready mourning their departure, it is unlikely to be long before the two are back in the industry (perhaps catering, just a hint)
Thank you Michelle and Callum for all the great food, coffee and GOOD TIMES!
Some Water, Some Wine...
So, I'm out for lunch with two friends. Table for three. A smart, upmarket
Italian Restaurant in the CBD. I'm fond of this restaurant for many
reasons, mai...
15 years ago